Angle Weekly Recap

Week April 18th - April 24th


Hello all @Angler’s! We hope you’re all fine. Here is what happened around the Angle this week :point_down:

Vote to add a gauge to the sdTokens Curve pools

Stake DAO lockers have launched a few weeks ago, and they have just added their meta-governance feature recently. This will be very helpful for ANGLE and veANGLE adoption, and should help attract new users to the protocol. They have just pushed a vote to add a gauge for sdTokens pools on Curve. Having rewards should make the pools more liquid, and sdANGLE more attractive for users!
Link here :point_right: Proposal to add sdTokens tokens pools to the gauge controller - Gauge Proposals - Governance

ETH as native collateral

Everything is now ready to add ETH as native collateral on Angle Core module! You can find the latest details in the governance discussion here:
This is a big step for the protocol, opening it to new use cases but also other risks.

Liquidity migration :white_check_mark:

Liquidity migration for Uni V3 agEUR/USDC and agEUR/ETH pools was successful! Users can now trade in & out those pools with only 0.01 and 0.05% fees respectively. Next week, Quickswap agEUR/USDC incentives will move to a similar Uniswap pool with lower fee tiers to start pushing people to switch their liquidity.

Audit in progress and going great :mag:

Audit is still underway and everything has been going well so far. Fellow auditors haven’t found any critical issue so far, and the audit should resolve in time! Angle Borrowing module is coming :triangular_ruler: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

AMO starting to generate revenue

The funds deployed through AMOs on Aave V3 (Polygon) and Euler (Mainnet) have started generated revenue for the protocol.

On another note, we are working on a profound re-design of the Angle apps look and feel. You should hear more about it around May, so keep an eye out on Angle :eyes:

And as always, make sure to join the Discord, Twitter, and participate on Snapshot!
Have a nice weekend @everyone ! :sun_with_face: