AIP - 1: Start of the DAO!

Now that the Angle protocol is live, it’s time to get the DAO up and running!

Until now, the main contributors used the “AngleMaster” contract to pass proposals and deploy the protocol. However, we will stop using its voting power as of now.

Every Angler is strongly encouraged to delegate their votes and participate in the DAO as there are many strategic discussions to come !

The current on-chain votes and proposal will be tracked on Tally | Angle


Voting will begin later this afternoon 06/11
Estimated execution time is 11/11


This proposal will call:

  • setQuorum of the Governor contract with 5000000e18 to be align with the current circulating supply
  • updateDelay of the Timelock contract with 0

I’ll vote in favor of this Proposal or delegate my vote to someone who will be!
Given the current circulating supply, quorum needs to be reduced to pass proposals with just the current circulating supply.
Also in favor of reducing the updateDelay, this could be set in place if there is sort of an optimistic Approval feature, but for the moment, there’s no real case with having a non null updateDelay


I agree with this, we can’t get things moving if the the quorum is set too high :sweat_smile: . You have my vote (or delegation), excited about what’s to come!


Haven’t claimed my Angle yet, and voting now with that small stack would be more for form than anything else. But no one has voted as of now? Wouldn’t know whom to delegate to should I wish to join in


Voting will become crucial just after this position is executed as it will be the last proposition executed with the ANGLE managed by the team multisig ! Early backers and team will start delegating in the next few days :slight_smile:


I think it’s a good idea because governance is more democratic and it’s relatively easier to make decisions that benefit the group.


I am not able to connect my “trust wallet” with tally. Any tips ?


Ahhh their front is not the best one. WalletConnect worked fine for me, could it be a solution for you?