Main goals of the proposal
Create a new euro market on Lend Flare with Angle agEUR by:
- Integrating 3eur curve pool as collateral on Lend Flare and integrating agEUR on Lend Flare as a supplied asset to be borrowed against 3eur curve pool.
- With an initial liquidity of 500k€ from Angle protocol, for a duration of 6 months, rewarded, around 8.5 % APR in locked LFT tokens (calculations done in point n°3 below)
- Giving agEUR a Lend Flare gauge weight (and so LFT rewards, similar to Curve) on Lend Flare, at the initial condition that Angle buy a small amount of LFT tokens (20k$) to get initial voting power (Lend Flare team will also vote in favor of Angle). Secondly, rewards earned by the liquidity provided by Angle have to be locked on Lend Flare, for at least a year.
- Doing co-marketing.
Benefits for Angle
- Allow leverage or borrowing of agEUR stablecoin against 3eur used as collateral
- Accumulate Lend Flare LFT governance tokens, mainly for governance power and also for the possibility to make a financial gain.
- Get a share of the fees generated by Lend Flare platform.
Benefits for Lend Flare
- New euro market on Lend Flare
- Increase of Curve LP collaterals deposited (increase of LendFlare TVL)
- Increase of loan liquidity (increase of LendFlare TVL)
Project Presentation:
- Protocol name: Lend Flare
- Audit(s) links: V1: Certik V2: Ongoing audit by Peckshield
- Supported chain(s): Ethereum
- Twitter/Discord/Telegram links: Twitter /[Discord]/[Telegram]
Project metrics:
- Current protocol TVL: 30m
- Market cap: 3.5m
- FDV: 10.5m
- Uniswap liquidity size: 5m
- Tokenomics: ve-model, no insider allocations outside 2% for the team
- Community size on Twitter/Discord/Telegram: 8,7K/1,3K/2,5K.
Context and motivation:
More than a dex, Curve can be seen as a liquidity reserve or somehow a DeFi saving account. At the moment, this liquidity earns a yield composed of curve rewards and trading fees. Nevertheless, there are few additional opportunities for curve LP holders to take advantage of this huge liquidity, especially with low risk and high flexibility. Lend Flare aims to provide an optimised solution to this problem.
Lend Flare is a decentralised borrowing platform on Ethereum blockchain. Its added value is to allow Curve LP holders (the borrowers) to draw fixed-rate, fixed term and high LTV loans against Curve LP used as collateral, with no concerns for assets being liquidated due to price fluctuation, and without commission fees.
Liquidity providers (the lenders) who deposit loan liquidity for borrowers on Lend Flare receive in exchange a share of loan fees and an incentive in LFT token (Lend Flare governance token) for their participation. LFT tokenomics follow the curve ve-model, with a fair launch (no VC, team get 2% of max supply with a 2-year linear vesting)
Angle is a decentralized stablecoin protocol composed of smart contracts mostly deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. It can be used to issue stablecoins, called agTokens, that are pegged to a specific value. For example, the agEUR is the EUR-pegged stablecoin issued through Angle Protocol. As Lend Flare Team, we believe that Lend Flare low risk platform could expand and improve the use cases of agEUR, and so both protocols can benefit from a mutual partnership.
Proposition details:
1) Concerning the integration of 3eur curve pool as collateral:
Lend Flare is a decentralised Borrowing/Lending platform, with curve LP used as collateral to borrow single tokens.
Here is a screenshot of collateralizable assets (left column) and borrowable assets (right column) on Lend Flare. 3eur curve pool will be integrated as a collateralized asset like other Curve LP pools, and agEUR as a borrowable asset, like other single assets.
Besides, 3eur curve pools (new collateralizable asset) on Lend Flare will be then deposited on Convex. They will receive the normal yield from convex (Lend Flare don’t take any fees on it), in an optimised way (Lend Flare compounds the rewards through CvxCrv). At the same time, users will be able to borrow agEUR at 85% LTV.
2) Concerning the agEUR initial liquidity
To support the opening of the euro market on Lend Flare, we propose Angle to supply an initial liquidity of 500k€. This initial liquidity will be borrowed against only curve 3eur as collateral: On Lend Flare, it’s only possible to borrow single asset pegged to the assets inside the curve pool used as collateral. For instance, with steth-eth curve LP, it’s only possible to borrow an asset theoretically pegged to ETH (ETH, ankrETH, stETH)
3) Concerning the gauge weight for Angle on Lend Flare
Giving agEUR a Lend Flare gauge weight (and so LFT rewards, similar to Curve) on Lend Flare, at the first condition that Angle buy a small amount of LFT tokens (20k$) to get initial voting power. Secondly, rewards earned by the initial liquidity has to be locked on Lend Flare, for at least a year. Here is the explaination.
In addition to the fees agEUR loan liquidity suppliers will received if their liquidity is borrowed by 3eur holders, Lend Flare incentives loan liquidity suppliers, with Lend Flare LFT token. It’s something common to all loan supply pools, each of them having a gauge weight, similar to curve gauge weight. LFT token incentives for a pool is based on the gauge weight for this pool, and every two weeks, there will be a gauge weight vote.
We demand Angle to buy a small amount of token, to participate in the initial gauge weight vote. Lend Flare team will also vote in favor of Angle agEUR, to get it approximately a 10% gauge weight.
After the initial gauge weight for Angle, the initial liquidity provided by Angle protocol (500k€) will earn LFT rewards, as well as the agEUR deposited by future users. These rewards can be seen as an interest for the loan liquidity Angle provided on Lend Flare.
More in details:
With an initial open market buy of 20k$, angle could buy 6m LFT at current price, and have 6m veLFT in terms of voting power for the initial gauge weight (probably 8% of total voting power), if locked for 4 years.
With an initial gauge weight of 10%, an average total loan liquidity of 2.5 m€ agEUR on Lend Flare over the next 6 months, and a max boost (x2.5) given Angle locked initially 6m veLFT, Angle will earn 35000 LFT per day. Over 6 months, Angle could collect 6.3m LFT, more than the initial amount locked of 6m. Overall, at current price, it corresponds to a 8.5% APR yearly yield. Given Lend Flare current market cap (3.5m$), yield could be considerably higher with Lend Flare growth and the right market conditions.
We ask Angle to lock these rewards for at least a year. The first reason, we would like to onboard Angle as a long term partner, so we would like you to maintain at least partially your voting power overtime. Secondly, we don’t want Angle to trigger sell pressure on our governance token, given the recent launch of Lend Flare in march 2022.
4) Concerning co-marketing:
The main actions will be:
- Create twitter space and have live AMA with Angle / Lend Flare communities.
- Create joint Medium articles, explaining the benefits of both protocols working together, and how to provide agEUR on Lend Flare
- Mutual communication inside both communities, about important news or incoming updates.
Voting options:
- Yes for the full partnership
- Abstain
- Do nothing
The Lend Flare Team