Marketing operations

Hello, I’m a small investor in the Angle Protocol and would like to introduce the discussion of the topic of marketing operations.

First of all, I would like to say that I believe in the technical competence of the team and in the future of the protocol (I even took advantage of the price drop of the Angle token to buy about 3500 tokens). However, we have to admit that, even with all the recent implementations and improvements, the protocol has been losing TVL, the Angle token is in constant devaluation and the protocol continues to be little known and discussed in various forums and social networks.

The fact is that it is absolutely necessary to work on the marketing front and on the usefulness of agEUR (for example: a competing protocol “e-money” managed to obtain a partnership with an NFT sale protocol in order to increase the usefulness of its stablecoins) .

Having said that, I believe that the team needs to balance all its effort (focused in the past months on the technical component of the protocol) with the development of its user base and the establishment of partnerships that allow the expansion of the usefulness of agEUR.

It is essential to create aggressive marketing strategies in order to draw users’ attention to the protocol.

The protocol is complex and has enormous potential: it is necessary to create tutorial videos (analyzing our discord, it is evident that users find it difficult to interact with the protocol), and exponentially increase the presence on Twitter and Youtube.

It is necessary to establish partnerships that allow the expansion of the usefulness of agEUR and Angle tokens.

We need community support with ideas.

Hi Pedro,
Thank you for reaching out, lot of great inputs !

Totally agree with you on this. Aside from the new technical modules, we are currently focusing on improving the branding /on the UX (more to come) and our communication / marketing efforts. Youtube and tutorial videos are definitely a path forward. We’d also like to increase our presence on twitter, from a protocol standpoint but also as individuals (see for example sogipec’s recent activity).

Do you have idea of protocol we could collaborate with on the usefulness side ?

Not at the moment, but I’m working on researching protocols whose possible association with the Angle Protocol would be useful for greater visibility and expansion of agEUR.

And…thank you for your feeedback.

As I mentioned earlier, I believe that the marketing component of our protocol needs to be strengthened. For this purpose, I take the liberty of sending some examples of social media marketing strategies that should deserve the analysis of the team. It is necessary to create more content accessible to a wider audience, more repetition in messages about the services, advantages and differentiating components of Angle Protocol. We need to teese more alpha.