Angle Weekly Recap

Week January 17th - January 23rd

Original message

Hey all @Angler’s :wave:

Before the weekly recap, here is a quick reminder of where you can access the different features of the Angle Protocol after the recent upgrade:

You can use the DAO App at to:

  • lock ANGLE on the veANGLE page
  • vote for rewards distribution on the Gauge page
  • stake LP or san tokens for ANGLE rewards

The regular App at to:

  • mint & burn agEUR
  • open leveraged USD/EUR positions on the Perpetuals page
  • deposit collateral to earn yield with sanTokens in the Yield page

Now, a quick recap of what happened this week!

New liquidity gauges contracts
First, the beginning of rewards distribution the new staking contracts: the liquidity gauges, taking into accounts the veANGLE balance of stakers for potential boost on rewards.

Improvement of the new DAO App
With the release of these new contracts, we revamped our staking interface now accessible at Angle DAO and iterated on improvements. If you have any feedback about it, please reach out to the :test_tube:app-feedback !

Proposal for an ANGLE locker with Stake DAO
Our friends at Stake DAO have been developing an extended version of Convex locker, and want to start deploying with Angle! @Hatashi :elephant::eyes: wrote a post in the governance forum here AIP - 4: Strategic Partnership with Stake DAO - #4 by hatashi. Please take the time to think about it and share your opinion there or in the :anchor:proposals or dao-to-dao-swaps channels, as it’s key that this is implemented in a way that benefits all Angle stakeholders

Burning FRAX fees increase
See this message for more details.

This has been a busy week again for Angle, L-F-G

PS: planning on posting these weekly recap in a governance forum thread and sending the link here to follow the progress and make room for other announcements. React with if you think it’s a good idea.