Angle Weekly Recap

Week March 7th - March 13th


Hey all @Angler’s :wave: Time for our weekly recap!

Here is what’s been going on this week within Angle :point_down:

Nexus Mutual :turtle: opens cover on Angle smart contracts

A very big step for the protocol, opening the doors of the protocol to new investors and demonstrating trust in the robustness of the contracts by Nexus policy writers. NXM stakers welcomed Angle, and more than $9M in cover has been opened, at the lowest cost possible! Cover can be bought from their app here.

ETH as native collateral

As we talked about recently, one of the big next milestone of Angle is the addition of ETH as native collateral to mint agEUR and open long ETH/EUR positions to cover the protocol. This has many implications for the protocol and its users, and everyone’s opinions and thoughts are welcomed to make sure we do this in the safest way possible. Discussion happening here and on Discord in the #eth-collateral channel.

Pausing ANGLE sales through Olympus Pro

Since the beginning this week, we stopped replenishing ANGLE to be sold through Olympus Pro, as we had accumulated some agEUR in reserve and didn’t want to increase the sell pressure on the token.

Angle Future Roadmap

If you had missed it, we published a roadmap article last week, where you can find everything we are thinking about for the future of the protocol :eyes: :rocket: Feel free to share your thoughts about that on Discord or on this forum!

Enjoy your weekend @everyone ! :sunny: