Angle Weekly Recap

Week February 21st - 27th


Hey all @Angler’s :wave: Time for our weekly recap!

Here is what’s been going on this week within Angle :point_down:

Proposal to add agEUR to Aave V3 on Polygon has been approved :muscle:

agEUR will be added to Aave once their V3 starts rolling out in the coming days/weeks. This is a huge step for agEUR, which will hopefully help to get it listed on Aave on Mainnet.
Snapshot voteGovernance Post with details

Router contract

As detailed in this post, we are getting ready to deploy a router contract to improve interactions within the protocol. We are currently in the process of implementing some of the features it allows on the Main and DAO apps. If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to release it by the end of next week!

Angle Content Contest :paintbrush:

Last call for all the content producers out here! Whether you are a designer, a writer, or a video producer, you can submit any content explaining some aspect of the Angle Protocol :teacher: More details in this blog post.

What’s next

We want to start sharing what we have in mind for the future of the protocol in the next few months.
After the router is deployed, there are two main topics we have in mind that we think we should focus on with the community.

1 - Adding ETH as native collateral on Angle

ETA: Around end of March
If ETH is deployed as collateral, users could mint agEUR from ETH directly without swap, long perpetuals on ETH/EUR exchange rate, and deposit ETH in the protocol to earn yield.
This would be the first volatile token to be backing agEUR, which would mark a step forward in the robustness of the protocol. We also believe that many users could be attracted to Angle by the ability to long ETH without funding rate.

2 - Deploying a new debt-based minting module for agEUR

ETA: Around end of May
Similarly to what Maker does with DAI, we could add a module allowing users to mint agEUR from tokens deposited as collateral. Combined with the current system, we believe this could help expand agEUR both on mainnet and on other chains / layers.

We are eager to discuss these different topics with you all

Have a good weekend @everyone ! :sunny: