Angle Weekly Recap

Week February 7th - 13th


Hey all Anglers :wave: Here is our weekly recap for this week!

Angle Content Contest :artist:

This Monday we launched the Angle Content Contest! The goal is to try to produce any type of content around Angle to explain one or multiple aspects about the protocol. Having great submissions will spread awareness around the protocol and help bring more people to it! :eyes: There are a few prizes of 1000 ANGLE each, so don’t hesitate to submit something, we’ve had a few good submissions already! You can find all the details here.

agEUR/RAI Curve pool with Reflexer

@sogipec started a discussion to talk about a potential CurveV2 pool with RAI here, the decentralized non-pegged stablecoin from Reflexer. This could be a very interesting development and opportunity for agEUR. As always, all opinions are welcomed!

Pangolin agEUR/AVAX pool incentives

As many are aware, there has been a mistake with the rate of rewards distribution performed by the Pangolin team on the agEUR/AVAX pool. As a consequence, the rewards were distributed twice as fast as we agreed, and the last people to claim found themselves empty handed. We are obviously very sorry about the situation, and are trying to work with them to resolve the situation now that the issue has been clarified.

Voting for FRAX/agEUR incentives through LOBI

LOBI holders can vote for the Frax FRAX/agEUR gauge on LOBI so that Lobis vote to distribute more FXS reward to the FRAX/agEUR Gauge!

AMA with EPNS - Ethereum Push Notification Service

We’ve had a written AMA on our Discord with EPNS this Thursday, where Jaf delivered many insights about their products and its capabilities. You can check it out in this thread.

Clarifying the veANGLE APR

There has been a lot of discussions this week around veANGLE APR, so we wanted to clarify a few things.

Angle Protocol distributes a share (currently 50%) of the interest it generates to veANGLE holders, in the form of sanUSDC_EUR tokens. These interest depend on the APY that the protocol can earn, and the amount of funds invested.
Due to a lack of data history, the APR figures displayed during the first week only reflected the first distribution which was especially high. Now that two more weeks have passed and more people have locked, the APR has stabilized. We are now working on implementing other strategies that would bring more yield to the protocol.

Feel free to ask question about the Content Contest in the #design channel on Discord!

See you next week, have a great weekend everyone :hugs: