Week January 31st - February 6th
Hey all Anglers
Here is our weekly recap for this week!
Public MultiSig vote & discussion
A discussion and a vote about the composition of the upcoming Public MultiSig that will mix core team members and people from the community is currently going on. The goal is to further decentralize the enforcement of decisions voted by veANGLE holders.
The governance proposal & discussion is here, and the vote there.
This is a very important step for the protocol, so please make sure that you read this carefully, express your opinion, and vote accordingly!
veANGLE delegation
Will be implemented in votes next week
Keeping up to date with what’s going on in the protocol and making informed decisions for veANGLE holders can be a challenge. This is why you can now delegate your veANGLE voting power to others that feel more aware to participate in governance and influence the decisions in one way or another.
Information about delegation can be found here, and we invite people that would like to receive delegated voting power to express themselves in the protocol-discussions or
proposals channels.
Stake DAO locker “ETA”
Many people are waiting for Stake DAO to open their locker on top of Angle. We had the pleasure to welcome part of their team on our AMA yesterday to summarize its features. They couldn’t share any specific date, but it seemed like the locker could be ready in “at least a few weeks” … We can probably hope to have it around March!
Pushing for agEUR adoption
Now that the veANGLE upgrade is live, the main challenge for us as a community is to push the adoption of agEUR forward. This means pushing for liquidity and new pools, having integrations with new protocols, and opening new use cases for agEUR. If you have any idea about potential integrations that could happen, feel free to share them in the Discord to start discussions and help move things forward!
Angle Content Contest
Next week we will announce a content contest about the protocol, rewarding the best content explaining any aspect of the protocol! The goals is to raise awareness about the protocol outside of our community
More info on that next week!
Have a great weekend everyone