Angle Weekly Recap

Week November 22nd-28th

Link to the original message here.

Hey all @Anglers :wave:

Here is a quick weekly update about what’s been happening this week!

Upgrading the governance token to give it more utility
This has been the main theme around the protocol recently. The upgrade includes a locking mechanism which would give out rewards and protocol revenue to the people committing their tokens. It’s inspired from Curve’s CRV and Frax’s FXS models. You can read more about it in the announcement above :point_up:

Bridging to Polygon :bridge_at_night:
As you should be aware, Angle’s agEUR and ANGLE tokens are now available on Polygon! More info in our blog post: agEUR and ANGLE are live on Polygon 🚀🇪🇺 | by Angle | Angle Protocol
They can even be wrapped on to stream funds or send one-to-many transactions.
This first bridging experience represents a great first step for Angle in the multi-chain ecosystem. If you want to take part in the discussion, it’s happening on the governance forum here :point_right: Angle Cross-Chain Strategy

Opening Position page rework
One of the big update of this week has been the reshape of the Angle App Perpetuals page to make it more accessible to everyone! If you want to try it, it’s over there :point_right:

You can leave us your feedback in the # :test_tube:app-feedback channel on Discord.

New round of ANGLE community rewards
A new round of ANGLE tokens were distributed community rewards to a few people that have been helping the protocol and the community with useful ways or thoughtful discussions! This is a way of saying thank you to those who involve themselves and help moving the protocol forward :anglecolor:

Thanks to everyone taking part in Angle :raised_hands: :rocket: